Contact Us

Information for Developers about the Apps Library (beta)

Contact Us

Before you contact us for further information, please read the frequently asked questions (FAQs) below. If you do not find the answer on this page go to Frequently Asked Questions to see all FAQs.

Alternatively, if you have an existing app currently in public use and you feel that it is ready to pass through the Digital Assessment Questions, please Submit your app to begin the process.

Frequently Asked Questions

Contact Form

Every email is read; however, we are unable to respond to every query. Our focus is on queries relating to apps developed for inclusion on the Apps Library. If your query relates to anything else please refer to our main NHS Digital website at
Contact Us
Your First Name
Your Surname
Are you making a contact on behalf of an organisation? Or are you doing so as a member of the public?
Please provide the name of the organisation for whom you are making a contact.
Your Email Address